Personally Identifying Information
Name: REDACTED (You can call me AA, Aradia, or ask me nicely for my IRL name)
Username: droonkid
on most things. I'm aradiamegido
on Discord though.
Height: 6'5"
Favorite Color: red
I'm bad at sharing about myself honestly. If there's something you want me to add let me know in the chat thing I will eventually add.Interests
- Programming (NOT WEB DESIGN!)
- Teaching
- CTF Challenges
- Homestuck
- Mars Argo
- Portal
- Hypnospace Outlaw
- Visual Novels (All)
- Phoenetics
- Open Source Software
- Grammars and Algebras
- Soups
This is just my friends who have sites to link to! If you'd like to be included, let me know!
None yet!